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Pond Boss

Maybe you have a book or instruction manual with fundamental principles that could alter an industry. If so, Dust Devil can show you how one man has turned his tight-niche knowledge into an ever-growing sphere of influence.

Meet Bob Lusk, fisheries biologist, author, publisher, video producer.

If you have a body of water, and you need how-to tips, chances are, you need a nudge from the Pond Boss – be it from Bob’s bi-monthly magazine, his books or videos. Your choice.

With each, Bob and his advisory staff of top-drawer experts nationwide, such as Mike Otto, provide customized instruction. A long-time friend of Firewheel Media, the forerunner to Dust Devil, and now our current publishing team, Bob has used our principles (and decades of hard work) to emerge as one of the nation’s leaders in pond management.

Find the long-time fisheries manager at: