Got something on your mind?
David G. Griffin did, so he just came right out and wrote it. Boy, did he.
In his collection of pithy thoughts, social comment and down-home philosophy, Griffin not only revealed his wit, he used it to skewer deserving politicians with a sharp point. Sometimes breezy, sometimes gritty, the author in Working Without a Net – Ramblings of a Tangled and Twisted Mind (364 pages, Dust Devil Publishing) frees his soul and has fun doing it. And by no coincidence, Griffin makes sure readers enjoy the ride with him.
The team of experts at Dust Devil builds books that turn writers into published authors. See what we can do for you and your writing, before presenting your thoughts into a sharp, clean layout that commands the attention you deserve.
(This title was printed and bound in a limited press run. All rights and inventory are retained by the author. For more information on Net, drop us a note at [email protected] or call the Permian Basin Petroleum Museum at (432) 684-6345.)